
Guide to the BWF CASI application process

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If you’re a postdoc thinking about transitioning into faculty in the US in the coming years, obtaining a transition grant can provide a helpful boost to your application. While the most common of these grants is the NIH’s Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) if you’ve reached this page you are probably also aware that the […]


DNA Synthesis Companies

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A number of new DNA synthesis startups have launched in the past few years. This post is a brief listing of the companies in the field (of which I’m aware), in no particular order. Some of these companies make short oligos on arrays, others make longer length genes, and some do both. For detailed information […]


Solid-state nanopore animations for all occasions

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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animation is worth so much more. Here are some simplified animations to explain various translocation scenarios which often arise in solid-state nanopore experiments. These animations were made during the course of my PhD at the Cees Dekker lab at TUDelft. Vectorized Flash SWF versions can […]


What happened to our dreams of phage?

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I want to talk about bacteriophages and more specifically phage therapy, that is using phages to treat bacterial infections. While I have known about phages for several years, I’ve only recently gained enough knowledge in biochemistry to better appreciate the elegance of the solution they provide. Simply put bacteria evolve, chemicals (antibiotics) don’t. A changing […]